Ensuring the safety and protection of your building in the event of a fire is significantly dependent on having high-quality fire extinguishers.Our team at Canco Services provides expert advice on fire safety and installs various types of fire extinguishers, including foam, C02, wet, dry, and water extinguishers.
Additionally, we offer comprehensive training to all clients on the identification, usage, and maintenance of the building’s fire extinguishers. All our fire extinguisher services adhere to the I.S. 291 2015 standards.
Yes, according to Irish Standards, fire extinguishers need to be maintained at least once every year.
A good rule of thumb is "No person should be more than 30 metres from their nearest fire extinguisher at any location within a building", however, to determine the exact numbers, a full survey is required in the building.
At 4kg, extinguishers should be fitted so the carrying handle is 1m from the ground. Under 4kg, extinguishers should be mounted with the carrying handle 1.5m from the ground.